I support:The Global Wealth TaxEach voluntary country would tax wealth in excess of $5 million and allocate at least a third to lower-income countries, to finance their infrastructure and public services. (read more)The Global Climate PlanA global cap on emissions would limit global warming to +2°C. Polluting companies would have to buy permits for their emissions. The revenues would finance a global basic income of $30 per month for each human adult. (read more)The Global Climate AssemblyIts role would be to draft international treaties against climate change. Every adult in the world would have one vote to elect the members of the Assembly. (read more)The Call for Global RedistributionWe call on world leaders to examine global redistributive policies such as those outlined above at the UN, G20 and COPs. (read more)First Name:Last Name:Email Address:I accept to receive an email to create an account on global-redistribution-advocates.org and I accept the Terms of Service.